we're back at the markets!

we're back at the markets!

May 13, 2024

suma welcomes your accommodation requests

editor's note

Hi suma friends,

We're back at the Farmers Markets! We're returning with our app offerings exclusive on our app: the Summer Special and free Lime scooter rides. If you come by to see us at the markets, you'll notice some new faces with us. Five suma users were added to our team for the season! We share with ya'll today some app updates that are specific to our summer offerings and an invite to a community workgroup meeting for broadband affordability programs.

Thanks for being here and keeping up with us,


suma milestones

Hiring suma users:

We are delighted to announce the commencement of our Farmers Market season!

We are pleased to share that five suma users have joined our team to work with us at our market booths throughout the summer season.

As we endeavor to foster community opportunities through our app, digital organizing, and digital justice, we recognize the importance of perpetuating community-centric initiatives. Thus, it was important for us to recruit individuals who are integral members of the communities we serve.

We are thrilled to witness the growth of the suma team!

If you would like to contribute towards supporting the expenses associated with our new hires and our Summer Special dollar match, kindly visit our sponsorship form to make a donation.

Sponsors can support a market day ($750), 2 market days ($1,500), 5 market days ($3,750), 10 market days ($7,500), or more!

Thank you for your continued support.

community catch-up

Broadband Affordability Program

Representative Marsh will be convening workgroup meetings to examine the development of an Oregon-specific broadband affordability program. The goal is to identify meaningful assistance to enable low-income Oregonians to pay monthly broadband costs. Our community organizations who have been enrolling folks into the ACP program have frontline knowledge on what the needs are crucial to ensuring community needs are reflected in this legislation. We encourage orgs and anyone else interested to join the kick off meeting Monday, June 10, 1:30-3:00 PM (Zoom link)

suma app

Summer Updates:
We are back this year with the Summer Special, our suma offering that lets our users buy vouchers that can be used to buy produce and packaged goods at both the St. Johns and King farmers markets.

The suma app was worked on by the developer team to ensure it was ready for our first day back (May 4th!) with some a couple key edits–

  1. Last year we got to see how preloading funds onto the app prior to making a purchase was often confusing to our users and left a lot of room for human errors when it came to uploading funds onto the app. This year our developers removed this feature with positive feedback from users during our earlier user testing sessions
  2. The confirmation page has been updated so that our users can claim their orders more efficiently on the spot at the market. This is a result of feedback from users and our in person experience at the market, observing folks go through the process and what their hold ups and points of confusion were

We are looking forward to continuing to learn and better the app through the course of the market, while getting to interact and serve our users directly!


suma is nonprofit based in Portland, OR (USA), we create platforms for digital organizing, enterprise and justice.

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